Are Rats More Dangerous Than Mice

If you are under the assumption that mice and rats are one and the same, you are mistaken. There are all sorts of differences between the two species of rodents. Both rats and mice can be connected to some of the worst disease outbreaks the world has ever known. When it comes to rats specifically, if you were wondering, “Are rats more dangerous than mice for my family?”, the answer is a resounding yes.Professional exterminators from mice control Toronto experts agree.

Rats may be larger than mice, but make no mistake about it, if a rat decides that he wants to take up residence in your home, he will. An ordinary rat can grow to a length of seven to eight inches, tail not included, and they can weigh approximately 16 oz. Rats have the ability of being able to squeeze themselves into incredibly small spaces. For instance, an adult rat can squeeze its body through an opening the size of a quarter, their ability to squeeze through such tiny openings, makes your home an attractive haven for the rodents.

The one thing that differentiates the rat from a mouse, and makes the rat more dangerous, is the fact that mice don’t hunt in packs, and rats do. Mice generally scatter when the lights go on, and they for the most part are just as afraid of people, as people are afraid of them. Rats on the other hand are less likely to run especially when they are traveling in a pack, and they will attack small animals and humans as well. There have been reported accounts of rats attacking and killing chickens, small babies, and in a few instances adult human beings.

Besides the fact that rats tend to defecate in areas where food is kept, which opens the door for the spread of disease, rats also carry a host of parasites. Because of the strength of their teeth, rats can cause unbelievable damage to the structure and foundation of your home. Rats have teeth that are strong enough to allow them to be able to chew aluminum, cinderblock, glass, and lead. Damage structural integrity of your  home due to the damage caused by rats could lead to its structural failure or collapse.

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